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Older Americans Month

This month is Older Americans Month. Every May, we celebrate our nation’s seniors, recognizing their contributions to society and achievements. With this year marking the 60th anniversary of Older Americans Month, we join the Administration for Community Living in honoring our senior citizens and challenging the narrative on aging.

Older Americans Month, originally known as Senior Citizens Month, was established in 1963, when only 17 million Americans had managed to reach the age of 65. One third of seniors were living in poverty at the time, and there were few programs to support their increasing needs. President John F. Kennedy met with the National Council of Senior Citizens to address the problem, and they subsequently declared May as a time to raise awareness and pay respects.

It is tradition for a special theme to be selected each year for Older Americans Month. This year’s theme, Aging Unbound, offers the opportunity to “explore diverse aging experiences” and overcome stereotypes about aging.

This month especially, the Administration for Community Living encourages:

  • Embracing opportunities to change
  • Exploring the rewards of growing older
  • Staying engaged in communities
  • Investing time in forming relationships

As an organization that helps seniors keep their golden years golden, we fully support this initiative. Seniors are an essential part of our communities, offering a wealth of kindness, joy, and wisdom. After a lifetime of providing for loved ones, they should eagerly anticipate retirement and the rewards of growing older.

Visit the Administration for Community Living to learn more about Older Americans Month, and give us a call if you want to review your planning options.

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